CAnalyzeImport | Supports import of Analyze 7.5 and NIFTI-1 format files |
CArithmeticOperator | Object to interact with the Arithmetic Operator when it is active |
CAutoradCalibration | Tool for calibrating an autorad image |
CCheckListTableModel | Object to access a Checklist table functionalities |
CConfigStateManager | Manage changes made to the Config settings by scripts |
CCroppingOperator | Object for croping the displayed data in the Slice viewports |
CDataManager | Object for managing and querying all image data and meta-information in VivoQuant |
CDICOMAnonymizer | Dicom anonymizer allow user to modify dicom header for given dicom tag name please see more detail in DICOMRelabeler |
CDicomProgressManager | Manage the progress of downloads from a dicom repository |
CDICOMRelabeler | Dicom relabeler object |
CDistanceOperator | Object to interact with the Distance/Annotation Operator when it is active |
CImageSelectorWidget | This widget is used to select data from the DataManager |
CIPACSWebDisk | Access the WebDisk functionallies of an iPACS |
CLayoutOperator | Object to interact with the Layout Operator when it is active |
CMainWin | Object for accessing the UI's main window functions |
CMatrixManipulationDialog | Object to interact with Matrix Manipulation Tool when it is active |
CMinMaxTool | Object for updating the mix/max values of the image display range |
CPreProcessing | Object to handle operation of the PreProcessing Tool |
CQMultiViewer | Customizable view to allow various layout configurations of the displayed data |
CQSliceLabel | A QSliceLabel manages the display frames of images slices at each orientation currently displayed by VQ |
CQSliceViewControl | Manipulate and control the display within the slice view |
CReorientationOperator | Object for reorienting the displayed data in the Slice viewports, including ROIs |
CROISelectorWidget | This widget is used to select ROI from the ThreeDimROIOperator |
CScriptableWebElement | An object to manage html elements of a WebECRF form |
CScriptMaster | Main VivoScript object to access other modules and perform generic actions |
CSegmentationServiceNMCT | Handles operation of the 3D Brain Atlas Tool |
CSplittingOperator | Object to interact with the Splitting Operator when it is active |
CThreeDimROIOperator | Object to interact with the 3D ROI Operator when it is active |
CTimeSeriesOperator | Object to interact with the Time Series operator when it is active |
CVisibilityManager | Manage hiding and disabling of widgets, actions, operators, and views that are in the VivoQuant UI |
CVTKController | Object for controling the VTK Viewer |
CWebECRF | Object to manage an eCRF web form |
CWholeBodyAtlasDialog | Object to access the Multi-Atlas Segmentation Tool (formerly known as Whole Body Atlas) functionalities |
CWorklistTask | Object that contains the information of a single task |
CWorklistTool | Object to manage a user's worklist |
CZipArchive | Object to manipulate Zip archive files |