Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAnalyzeImportSupports import of Analyze 7.5 and NIFTI-1 format files
 CArithmeticOperatorObject to interact with the Arithmetic Operator when it is active
 CAutoradCalibrationTool for calibrating an autorad image
 CCheckListTableModelObject to access a Checklist table functionalities
 CConfigStateManagerManage changes made to the Config settings by scripts
 CCroppingOperatorObject for croping the displayed data in the Slice viewports
 CDataManagerObject for managing and querying all image data and meta-information in VivoQuant
 CDICOMAnonymizerDicom anonymizer allow user to modify dicom header for given dicom tag name please see more detail in DICOMRelabeler
 CDicomProgressManagerManage the progress of downloads from a dicom repository
 CDICOMRelabelerDicom relabeler object
 CDistanceOperatorObject to interact with the Distance/Annotation Operator when it is active
 CImageSelectorWidgetThis widget is used to select data from the DataManager
 CIPACSWebDiskAccess the WebDisk functionallies of an iPACS
 CLayoutOperatorObject to interact with the Layout Operator when it is active
 CMainWinObject for accessing the UI's main window functions
 CMatrixManipulationDialogObject to interact with Matrix Manipulation Tool when it is active
 CMinMaxToolObject for updating the mix/max values of the image display range
 CPreProcessingObject to handle operation of the PreProcessing Tool
 CQMultiViewerCustomizable view to allow various layout configurations of the displayed data
 CQSliceLabelA QSliceLabel manages the display frames of images slices at each orientation currently displayed by VQ
 CQSliceViewControlManipulate and control the display within the slice view
 CReorientationOperatorObject for reorienting the displayed data in the Slice viewports, including ROIs
 CROISelectorWidgetThis widget is used to select ROI from the ThreeDimROIOperator
 CScriptableWebElementAn object to manage html elements of a WebECRF form
 CScriptMasterMain VivoScript object to access other modules and perform generic actions
 CSegmentationServiceNMCTHandles operation of the 3D Brain Atlas Tool
 CSplittingOperatorObject to interact with the Splitting Operator when it is active
 CThreeDimROIOperatorObject to interact with the 3D ROI Operator when it is active
 CTimeSeriesOperatorObject to interact with the Time Series operator when it is active
 CVisibilityManagerManage hiding and disabling of widgets, actions, operators, and views that are in the VivoQuant UI
 CVTKControllerObject for controling the VTK Viewer
 CWebECRFObject to manage an eCRF web form
 CWholeBodyAtlasDialogObject to access the Multi-Atlas Segmentation Tool (formerly known as Whole Body Atlas) functionalities
 CWorklistTaskObject that contains the information of a single task
 CWorklistToolObject to manage a user's worklist
 CZipArchiveObject to manipulate Zip archive files