Supported File Formats
VivoQuant can handle a variety of file formats and will do its best to auto-detect the intended file type. Below is a list of supported file types specified in the order that VQ will typically attempt to load the file.
VQ Session Files (*.zipacs)
VQ Script Files (*.vqs)
DICOM (*.dcm *.dicom *.dc3 1.* (Common DICOM file name prefix))
VQ will also detect DICOM files without these extensions if they are a DICOM Part 10 compliant file. A DICOM Part 10 file begins with a 128-byte preamble followed by the DICOM prefix (DICM) at byte 128.
Anaylyze and NIfTI Formats (*.nii, *.nii.gz *.json *.img)
GE Locus (*.config)
ECAT (*.v *i)
FDV (*.fdf)
CT XXM Files (*.xxm)
SkyScan (*.log *.bmp *.jpg *.png *.tif)
VFF (*.vff)
VQ Specific (*.mhd *.mha *.rmha)
GEL (*.gel)
RGB (*.tif *.tiff *png *.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.jp2)
ITK (*tif *.tiff *.png *.bmp *.jpeg *.vtk *.nrrd)
ScanoAIM (*.aim)
Bruker (2dseq)
Vevo (*.vxml *bimg *mimg)
VQ Specific Raw (*.ras, *.res., *.bin)
Nils-VOL (*.vol)
All else will flow through the Raw Importer (*.raw, *.zraw *)