Use this tool to evaluate SPECT geometrical calibration data.

Getting There

The MMP SPECT Calibration tool is available in the Advanced Modules Menu.

MMP SPECT Calibration
MMP SPECT Calibration


To successfully implement multiplexed multiple-pinhole methods in small-animal SPECT, several calibrations are necessary. You can use the MMP SPECT panel to analyze four different small-animal SPECT calibrations, including linearity, collimator depth, pinhole offset, and geometrical. The panel is split into eight sections: Templates, Control, Preview, Output, and a section for each of the four calibrations. There are also several helpful tools in the MMP Menus.

To run the tool, hit the Open button and select all of the relevant data (should be titled Service^SPECT_0*_CalibName and consist of 64 Intrinsic Reoslution data sets, 4 Collimated Beam data sets, and 1 4-point data set) from the Data Browser. The MMP Tool reads in the calibration data and recognizes which data corresponds to which calibration. The panels for the individual calibrations display the completeness of the data. Once all necessary data is present, use the Run buttons in succession from the top calibration (Aluminum Grid) to the bottom calibration (Four-Point). Results for each calibration are presented in their respective panels; a description of possible errors is listed in Calibration Failures.

Open Data
Open Data

After successfully completing the analysis, the result CalibrationData_YYYYMMDD.txt file can be copied into C:\Nucline\Calibrations\CalibrationData.txt to update the calibration information used by the NanoSPECT.

MMP SPECT Calibration Panel
MMP SPECT Calibration Panel


The Templates section controls the input and output files used/generated by the calibration analysis.

Input Template You can use a previously-generated CalibrationData.txt file as an input template for the data. This feature is particularly useful if partial calibrations (i.e., only a 4-point measurement) have been performed.
Empty Template As a default, an empty template, designed for use with the Nucline software, is used to generate the CalibrationData.txt file.
Output File You may specifiy any name for the Output file of the calibration analysis. The default name is CalibrationData_YYYYMMDD.txt.


The Control panel has four buttons for manipulating the MMP Calibration window.

Button Description
Show Calib Opens the current CalibrationData_YYYYMMDD.txt file for viewing.
Open… Opens a browser that is to be used for loading MMP Calibration data (DICOM format).
Clear Clears the Output panel of the MMP Calibration window.
Close Closes the MMP Calibration window.

The Calibrations

Four different MMP calibrations may be analyzed with this tool. For each calibration, Preview, Details, and Run buttons are provided.

Button Description
Preview allows the user to view the images for that particular calibration in the Preview panel.
Details provides information about each calibration.
Run performs the analysis of that measurement. Additionally, the orbits from the 4-point calibration may be displayed using the Orbits button.

Aluminum Grid Measurement / Linearity Check

Data for the Aluminum Grid Measurement is collected with a device containing 16 carefully-positioned holes. The collimated beam source holder is placed in each hole. The resulting 16 point images are used to analyze the linearity of the detector.

Collimator Depth

The collimator depth phantom is used to collect data for the collimator depth calibration. This calibration was once used to determine the distance from the detector plane to the pinhole plane, however, it is now out-of-date and is turned off by default. It may be turned back on using the “Enable ColDepth” option found in the MMP Menus.

Pinhole Offset (Collimated Beam)

The Pinhole Offset calibration evaluates the deviation between the center of the pinhole plane and the center of the detector plane.

Geometrical Calibration (4-point)

The 4-point calibration provides a wealth of geometrical information for the NanoSPECT/CT. This geometrical information is then used by special algorithms to determine the forward model necessary for successful SPECT reconstruction.

Calibration Failures

In each calibration panel, there are also fields relaying information about the completeness of the data for each head and some quality measure (either Resolution, Linearity, or Quality). The table below includes information about the limits for passing a particular calibration and how to interpret error messages. In each case, x designates a head number. For example, in the 4-point calibration, a R1 (as shown in the screen shot) would indicate that the Radius of Rotation for Head 1 was outside the acceptable limits.

Calibration Error Message Interpretation Limits
Intrinsic Resolution Rx Intrinsic detector resolution >2.4 mm
Intrinsic Resolution Px Pixel Size <0.97mm or >1.03mm
Intrinsic Resolution Lx Quality of linearity >30 (A.U.)
Collimator Depth Hx Detector plane to aperture plane distance >130.1mm or <134.1mm
Collimated Beam Hx Absolute distance between aperture center and detector center (y or z) >1.5mm
4-Point Ax Absolute aperture offset (transaxial or axial) >1.0mm
4-Point Dx Absolute detector offset (transaxial or axial) >1.5mm
4-Point Rx Radius of rotation >45.9mm or <43.9mm
4-Point Q Overall quality of the calibration >3.0 (A.U.)
4-Point B Horizontal bed offset >3.0mm


The Preview panel displays calibration data for a particular calibration (selected using that calibration’s Preview button). This panel is useful for checking head order in the 4-point calibration or determining a missing point in the Linearity Check calibration. The slider bar at the bottom allows movement between heads.

Preview Types
Preview Types


The Output panel provides a log of the steps being performed. For example, the Output section will inform the user that files have been found, provide the numerical results from the analysis, and help identify potential errors.

MMP Menus

Several useful fixes and features may be found in the MMP Menus of File, Tools, and Help.

MMP Menu Item Function Keyboard Shortcut
File Open Data… Identical to the Open button in the Control panel, this opens a browser to allow the loading of calibration data files. Ctrl-O
File Basic Configuration The ID of the NanoSPECT and # of heads (typically 2 or 4) are set in this panel, pictured below. Ctrl-B
File Enable ColDepth By default, the collimator depth phantom is not used in the MMP Calibration analysis. However, it may be enabled with this checkbox.  
File Exit Used to exit the MMP Calibration tool. Ctrl+Q
File Enable ColDepth By default, the collimator depth phantom is not used in the MMP Calibration analysis. However, it may be enabled with this checkbox.  
Tools Merge 4-point files In the presence of only one single-pinhole aperture, 4-point data are collected one head at a time. This tool merges those data into a single file.  
Tools Convert Calib File On some Nucline versions, a slightly modified version of the calibration data is needed. This tool converts the calibration file accordingly.