Data files used in VivoQuant, such as VQ sessions, images and movies, might become corrupted after being processed. For example, a VQ session zipacs file might get corrupted during the unzipping process. On these occasions, we recommend clearing the cache before attempting to open the corrupted file again.
VivoQuant Cache Files
VivoQuant cache stores data files such as images or VQ sessions that are frequently accessed or were used recently in a local repository to improve load time.
If you are using Windows OS, you can find the VivoQuant cache at the following location:
Cache files can also be quickly accessed by typing the following path in Windows navigation bar:
In MAC, the caches files are located here:
If you are using Linux, you can find the VivoQuant cache here:
Clear VivoQuant Cache
To clear the cache, you can navigate to the above location and manually delete the stored data.
Alternatively, you can clear the cache directly on VivoQuant by navigating to Tools → Configuration → DICOM, and hitting the Clear button in the DICOM Cache section.